Estabilidade oxidativa de óleo de peixe encapsulado e acondicionado em diferentes tipos de embalagem em condição ambiente. / Oxidative stability of encapsulated fish oil stored in different types of packing under ambient conditions.




Due to the presence of long chained omega three fatty acids, fish oils have gathered much interest recently. Fish oils are a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which reduce blood triacylglycerol and cholesterol levels. However, the higher the unsaturation level, the less stable is the oil which may have its double links compromised due to oxidation.This research main interest was the stability of encapsulated fish oil, stored in different types of packagings. The fish oil used in this experiment was supplied by Cardinal Pharmaceutical Industry in soft gel capsules. After encapsulation, half of the samples were sent to SERPAC Industry LTDA for blistering, where polychlortrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), commercially known as Aclar Rx 160 (15µ), polyvinyldichloride (PVDC-60 gsm2) and polyvinylchoride (PVC-250µ) films were used as three of the treatments. Blisters were packed in carton boxes. The other half of the capsules was packed in amber glass or high density polyethylene (PEAD) rigid flasks with and without silica bags. Each treatment contained 60 capsules in triplicate and all packs were stored under ambient conditions for 12 months. Analytical determinations were performed on the oil every 28 days and included acid and peroxide values, and absortivities in the ultraviolet region at 232 and 270 nm. Fatty acid composition determinations, especifically EPA and DHA content were performed at the beginning of the experiment, after 3, 6 and 12 months. The package, which presented the largest changes in quality of the oil, was the PVC film “blister”. The best results were found in encapsulated oil stored in PEAD flasks with silica bags. EPA and DHA contents were kept constant until the sixth period of storage for all samples. The largest changes happened in the oil stored in PCTFE films, with a drastic reduction on the 12 th period due, probably to problems in thermomolding and sealing.


oils and fats animals foodstuffs óleos e gorduras animais fish fatty acid oxidation oxidação ácidos graxos alimentos funcionais foods packing functional foods embalagens de alimentos peixe

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