Espalhamento quase-livre e estrutura nuclear


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




A critical review of the experimental results and of the theoretical. The quasi-free process is first described qualitatively and it is shown which results can be expected from such processes. The distorted wave impulse approximation, normally used in the analysis of the experimental data, is derived using physical arguments, and the way of performing theoretical caculations is described. The experimental and theoretical results obtained up to now from (p, 2p) reactions are analysed for each nucleus with atomic number between Z = 1 and Z = 20 (except the case Z = 10) and some results obtained for nuclei with atomic number between Z = 21 and Z = 33 are briefly commented. Finally, the importance of (p, 2p) processes for the study of nuclear structure is shown, a systematization of the results obtained from energy spectra and angular correlation distributions is performed and suggestions for further work are made.


fisica nuclear nucleo atomico estrutura atomica

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