Ergonomic analysis of the vegetative propagation activities of Eucalyptus spp. in nurseries / Análise ergonômica das atividades de propagação vegetativa de Eucalyptus spp. em viveiros




This research was developed on data collected in a forest nursery in the Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. It was carried out to study the ergonomic factors related to the activities developed in this field, viewing the improvement of health, wellbeing, safety, comfort, and productivity of the workers. The specific objectives were a survey of the profile and work conditions; anthropometric survey; evaluation of the physical work load; biomechanic evaluation; analysis of risks of repetitive use injuries; and characterization of the work environmental factors , thermic comfort, illumination and noise. Data were collected by means of individual interviews, mensurations and tests with the workers, the loads, the machines, the tools and the equipment used. The results indicate that the mean working period in the enterprise is quite long for men (8 years), and a lot less for women (2,8 years).the time in the activity is of 2,2 years for men and 2 years for women. The percentage of cigarette and alcohol consumers was significative, the greater complains about body pains were those related with backaches. The meals usually eaten were breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast was provided by the enterprise. Maximum width for the tables and benches, for a percentage of 5% was of 84,4 cm and the height of benches and tables for the population studied was of 98 cm, for a percentage de 20%. The physical work load of activities were classified as: heavy for the transportation of seedlings to the tables; moderately heavy for the transportation of seedlings to the greenhouses, for the supply of the seedling tube washing machine, for the remotion of the seedling tubes from the washer, for the irrigation of the clonal garden and the irrigation of tables. The biomechanic analysis showed a compression load upon the spinal disk above the load limits in the activities of supply and remotion of seedling tubes from the washers, and the transportation of branches for the preparation of cuttings. All the activities evaluated for the risk of repetitive use injuries were classified as high risk. The work environment presented values, by the Moist Bulb Thermometer, above the limits in the greenhouses. The illumination found was considered unsatisfactory in the work stations for stacking and cutting of macro cuttings. The noise levels found were considered high in the activities of washing and disinfection of seedling tubes.


eucalyptus silvicultura methods engineering saúde e higiene ergonomy ergonomia engenharia de métodos eucalipto health and hygiene trabalhadores rurais seedlings rural workers mudas

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