Equivalência de Estímulos Auditivos e Táteis em Crianças com Deficiência Visual: Ensino de Letras do Alfabeto Braile e Romano




The formation of equivalence classes has been documented mainly with auditory and visual stimuli. This study investigated the emergence of equivalence relations with auditory and tactual stimuli with blind children. The stimuli were three vowels represented in three tactual modalities: plastic (B), Braille (C) and raised (D). Six 5-8 years old blind children were exposed to a matching-to-sample procedure to teach relations between dictated letter names and plastic letters (AB), dictated letter names and Braille letters (AC) and dictated letter names and raised letters (AD). The order of exposure to the training relations was counterbalanced between subjects. Tests of emergent relations (BC/CB, BD/DB e CD/DC) were conducted following training. All subjects learned nine relations between dictated letters and their corresponding tactile exemplars with few or no errors. Testing results showed equivalence classes of the three vowels represented in plastic, Braille and raised. These results extend previous findings to tactile stimuli relevant for the academic context and may be important for the development of new behavior technology to teach reading by blind children. Further research using more complex stimuli - syllables and words - is necessary to assess the generality of the present findings.


psicologia infantil psicologia stimulus equivalence tactile modality children braille visual impairment braille (sistema de escrita) - crianças deficientes visuais - crianças

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