Epidemiological profile of the canine population assisted by the Service of First Attendance of the Zoonoses Control Center Paulo Dacorso Filho, Rio de Janeiro-Brazil / Perfil epidemiológico da população canina assistida pelo Serviço de Pronto Atendimento do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses Paulo Dacorso Filho, Rio de Janeiro-Brasil




Zoonoses Control Centers (ZCC) have as basic attribution the prevention and control of zoonoses, developing systems of epidemiological and sanitary surveillance. However, the data obtained by these ZCCs have been scarcely used for epidemiological studies. This essay had the objective to discover the epidemiological profile of the canine population assisted by the Service of First Attendance of the Zoonoses Control Center Paulo Dacorso Filho from January 2000 to December 2004, evaluating, indirectly, the aforementioned service. The data related to the variables sex, location, date and diagnosis were obtained from the register book of the Service and included in a database created through the program EPIINFO version 3.3.2. The diagnoses were categorized as of zoonotic or non zoonotic origin, and the ones classified in the second category were distributed into seventeen other categories, according to their characteristics. Distribution analysis of the frequency of diagnoses was performed, and the χ2 test was used to evaluate the association of these with the season of the year and the sex. Data from 10.586 clinical diagnoses of 9.668 dogs, being 5.429 (56,2%) males and 4.239 (43,8%) females were computed. The majority of the animals (99,3%) proceeded from the city of Rio de Janeiro and the others from nine cities nearby. Among the animals from the city of Rio de Janeiro, 89,5% were from the XIX Administrative Region, the majority being from the district of Santa Cruz, where the ZCC is located. Intestinal worms (8,9%), haemorrhagic gastroenteritis (6,1%) and distemper in the nervous stage (4,5%) were the most prevalent diagnoses. The prevalence of distemper in the respiratory stage, intestinal worms, scabies, ticks infestation, and myiasis showed seasonal variation. Males and females had different prevalences for transmissible venereal tumour, myiasis, and ascites, showing sex as a predisposing factor. The zoonoses suspicions occupied 15,8 % of the Service diagnoses, being leptospirosis and leishmaniosis cases confirmed by laboratorial exam. The lack of variables such as age and breed hindered a wider analysis of this population. The work done at the Service of First Attendance was characterized by ambulatory assistance, differing from the established primordial objective of the Service, that is the identification and control of zoonoses.


população canina hospitalar prevalence epidemiologia prevalência epidemiology medicina veterinaria preventiva hospital canine population

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