Environmental risks at Ribeirão das Pedras watershed Campinas/São Paulo / Riscos ambientais na bacia hidrografica do Ribeirão das Pedras, Campinas/São Paulo




This work deals with the environmental risks at Ribeirão das Pedras, an important subwatershed of the Ribeirão das Anhumas watershed, at Campinas, São Paulo state. The Ribeirão das Pedras drains waters of the of Barão Geraldo district and the quarters called Santa Genebra, Jardim Costa e Silva, Alto Taquaral, Jardim Primavera and other quarters. In this basin is located universities, as the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and the Pontifical University Catholic of Campinas, and big industries and commercial establishments. In this watershed live 36 thousand inhabitants, in one area like 29,7 km2, totalizing more than 1200 hab/km2. The final map, elaborated on the basis of the representation proposal for Journaux (1985), used data collected in fieldwork, and additional results of the Anhumas Project - FAPESP. Amongst the total of 120 mapped risk situations, the biggest, in area, was identified a risks related to plantation with agro-toxics and the culture of genetically modified organism (GMO). Moreover, the presence of the Unicamp and Dom Pedro Shopping, classified as special situation of risk, are related as the main sources of risks of the watershed. At the end, suggestions are made for the continuity of using the participatory risk mapping and the cartography elaborated on the basis of Journaux (1985) in other environmental risk studies.


avaliação de riscos ambientais environmental value mapping bacias hidrograficas poluição - aspectos ambientais watersheds environmental risks assessment mapeamento do meio ambiente pollution

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