Envelhescência e pathos: o lugar simbólico das psicopatologias na velhice




The belief that some psychopathologies would be inherent to the envelhescência process and that, therefore, they would characterize old age is a trend inscribed in our culture. These psychopathologies would be determined by a natural and spontaneous wear of the brain: cerebral lesions or chemical and functional dysfunctions. Under this perspectiva, treatment is entrusted to psychiatrists and neurologists and, most of the times, it is limited to psychiatric medication. Although social and psychological factors are mentioned as partaking in the determination of the psychopathology or health of the elder, in practice, they are pushed into the background. Since it reads the manifestation of pathos with the help of the psychoanalytical metapsychology and of the concept of envelhescência - as a psychic work - fundamental psychopathology enables us to approach old age in its complexity and to relocate the meaning of symptoms. The subjective effects owed to the transformations experienced later in life have the subject attempt to restare hislher subjectivity. Our hypothesis hera is that, beyond the organic side, there is a cry to be acknowledged by the Other so as to be restituted to their placa as subjects


psicologia clinica psicologia psicopatologia idosos -- psicologia envelhecimento -- aspectos psicologicos

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