Entre umas e outras : mulheres, (homo)sexualidades e diferenças na cidade de São Paulo / Some and others : women, (homo)sexualities and differences in the city of São Paulo




The present thesis is a study conducted primarily in the city of Sao Paulo and concerns women who have affective and/or sexual relationships with other women. The analytical focus is based on relations between erotic practices, identities, corporalities and social conventions related to gender and sexuality, emphasizing the intersection between several axes of social differentiation. The research was conducted in order to obtain a field as diverse as possible on variables such as class, gender, race/color and sexual-affective trajectories and identities. Aiming to achieve this goal, an ethnographic observation was conducted in the commercial circuit of leisure where these women could be found and also in private spaces of sociability. The ethnographic observation was complemented by indepth interviews. In order to diversify styles and identities accessed, as well as to avoid an association of a "community" linked to delimited spaces, observation and interviews were also done with women identified with two other networks: young women who classify themselves as "minas do rock" (riot grrrls) and women who attend to a BDSM club (bondage, discipline, domination and submission, sadism and masochism). Beyond the theoretical dialogue inside gender and sexuality studies in Social Sciences, this study aims to contribute to debates about human rights and public policies demands for specific political subjects


difference genero diferença raça idade sexualidade social classes female homosexuality classes sociais gender sexuality race homossexualidade feminina age

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