Entre o fabuloso e o verossimil : cronicas e epistemologia no processo de cognição da America / Between the fabulous and the credible : epistemology in the cognition of Americ




The main objective of this work is to analyze how the perception of American nature was developed in the chronicles written during the first decades after Europeans arrival to América and how it was re-elaborated in posterior periods through the reading of the same sources. To obtain that purpose, some selected chronicles were analyzed, such as those written by José de Acosta and Pedro Mártir Anglerìa, and theirs ways to apprehend the New World s nature were studied too. Based on a connection between those works with a specific pistemology, which configured the European knowledge in the period, it was possible to comprehend the possibilities and the limits of America s representations can be found in the chronicles. Furthermore, the work investigates the views of American nature produced in 18th century by erudite men in the European intellectual sphere, such as from Buffon and de Pauw. The views were on nected with the rejection of chronicles like knowledge concerning America and with the sprouting of news epistemic criteria. Finally, in the third chapter, the humboldtian ideas was analyzed. I tried toconnect Humboldt s views of nature with his reading and his appropriation of colonial chronicle and period epistemology


chronicles nature cronicas natureza epistemology america epistemologia

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