Entre campo e cidade : infancias e leituras entrecuzadas : um est6udo no Assentamento Palmares II, Estado do Para / Between countryside and city : the intersection of childhood and literacy : a study in Palmares II rural settlement, State Para




The work entitled "Between countryside and city: the intersection of childhoods and reading - a study in the Palmares II Rural Settlement, Pará" is the result of research carried out with 23 children aged between 10 and 14 years old in the Palmares II Rural Settlement in the southeast of Pará (Brazil). Research objectives can be summarized in three principal questions: 1) To what extent does the experience of childhood in the countryside influence / effect ways of reading? 2) How does reading take place for the children of the settlement; what are the objects, reasons, functions, relationships and uses implied in the act of reading? 3) What contrasting uses are revealed by these practices in relation to other social spaces? In order to investigate these issues, we researched the circuits and social relationship networks that these children traverse, the interactions that they produce and the social spaces to which they have access where they can obtain reading material. The results obtained permit us to affirm that the experience of childhood in this settlement is constructed at the intersection of plural periods in time, a combination of the contemporary with reminiscences of the traditional, and it is under the influence of this same combination that reading practices are organized. These results point to the need for much more complex interventions in the problematization of the relationships between countryside and city, urban childhood and rural childhood, reading over here and reading over there, due to the fact that they allow non-exclusionary differences and non-standardized similarities. From a social point of view, this obliges us to face a tension: to recognize the plasticity of capitalism to absorb diversified spaces and incorporate them in its movement, while, at the same time, the impossibility of this system to fully administer human spaces and moments in time.


infancia assentamentos rurais rural education rural landless workers movement (mst) literacy educação rural rural settlement childhood leitura

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