Ensino técnico e inserção profissional : a visão dos egressos do Cefet-BA e de seus empregadores




The present study it searchs to argue the vision that the employers and the egresses of the technician courses in the subsequent modality of the CEFETBA have about the insertion of these egresses in the world of the work. For this, this study is constituted of two-piece: one theorican part who has a historical incursion, showing all the transformations that the professional education passed during its history until arriving at the current days. Moreover, tried to argue as they are the laws that regulate this form of education and as it is being offered in the present time in the CEFETBA. The second part is the empirical research and analysis. For this, was realized an interview with four professionals of the companies who have employee egresses of the institution and applied a questionnaire with the pupils egresses, that if they had formed in the years of 2005 and 2006, of four courses of the subsequent modality, selected for this research. The data had been analyzed of quantitative and qualitative form and the results are presented in elapsing of the chapters. Finally, it could be verified that the egresses of the CEFETBA are recognized in the market for the quality of his professional formation, that this does not obtain to surpass the challenge to join practical and theory, in other words, to conciliate the formation technique with the necessities of the world of the work.


egressos professional education egresses educacao educação profissional cefetba cefetba

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