Ensaio clinico duplo-cego com praziquantel e oximniquine no tratamento da esquistossomose mansonica




The therapeutic efficacy and toxicity of praziquanteo and oxamniquine were evaluated in this double-blind clinical trial. Once hundreded and one patients were diagnosed as having cronic schistosomiases by finding viable Schistosoma mansoni ova in the stool exams(Kato-Katz and spontaneous sedimentation mehods). Theirage range varied from ten to sixty five years old, and both sex were present similary. Patients were randomly distributed into three groups using random number tables. The group with thirty two patients was administered praziquantel, 41,2 to 51,6mg/kg, the group containing thiry five patients received 122,8 to 17,3 mg oxammiquine/ kg and the remaini hiry four patients given a placebo. Twenty four hours following treatment an evaluation was made of the side effects and patients who has received placebo were recycled through the study using same criteria for receiving one of the drugs. Seventy-three patients fulfilled the criteria for cure, thirty six of which received praziquantel and thirty seven received oxamniquine. There was no statiscally significant difference in the cure rate of the two drugs (61,1% cure for praziquantel and 54% for oxamniquine). The major side effects were dizziness and drowsiness followed by gastrointestinal symptoms. The frequency , intensity and duration of side effects were similar for the two drugs. In the placebo group, 79,4% presented no complaints following whereas 40,0% of those receiving oxamniquine and 37,5% of patients given praziquantel had no side effects. The clinical examinations preformed on the next day following the drug intake did not reveal any abnormality in comparison to the findings prior to the treatment. The toxicity of the drugs was tested by evaluating laboratory exans before and twenty four hours after administering the drug. It was unable to detect any hematologic, hepatic or renal to toxafity of these drugs. This clinical trial concludes that praziquantel and oxamniquine aer similar in therapeutic efficacy and toxicity in the dosages utilized herein


esquistossomose mansonica - tratamento

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