Empregabilidade e educação continuada a distância




The Post-Capitalist Society which appeared from middle of the 20th century brought several transformations propitiated by the advance of technology, due to information technology, telecommunications, robotics, new materials and production processes, bringing changes for almost fields of human life. As consequence, the productive regions changed their factories installations, going to places where the production cost occurs in lower value. Although this transference benefited various countries, mainly Asian, on the other hand it provoked unemployment in wide scales to organizations which had not been able or had not known how to adjust themselves to the new cenario. As result of unemployment came misery and increase of criminality, that, in the Brazilian case, constitutes in one of the most relevant social problems. In order to keep competitive, the remained companies became to require from their employees more abilities, qualifications and up to date skills, privileging team work in flexible environments, subject to continuous change, following the speed of innovations. Nowadays it is not enough for a worker to have only a technical or an university degree, but it is demanded knowledge of foreign languages, domain of micro-computing, creativity and disposal to multidisciplinary work. For such, the continued and lifelong education becomes essential, so that they can always remain in their job or obtain work in other places, increasing their employability. Distance education, that is being in use since XIX century (last years), is now largely increased due to computers and Internet, arriving at places where traditional education would not be feasible, mainly for economic or financial reasons. The objective of this work is to study the viability of distance education (e-learning) as an important alternative, not only for the worker, as also for the social excluded ones, opening space for the insertion of a great human contingent in the world of the work


educação virtual educação a distância distance education educacao permanente educacao continuada e-learning ensino a distancia empregabilidade on-line education lifelong learning desemprego employability

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