Embates de forças na falação em sala de aula: a ponta do iceberg




This research aims at interpreting and discussing critically a given action in classroom which has been worrying the educational community a great deal. This action had already been named as indiscipline characterized in its different aspects. However, what has been called indiscipline is here named by what the action produces: chat tiness (falação), which is taken as an active position of the speaker (Bakhtin, 1924/1998; 1929/2004; 1952/2003). Chattiness in the classroom is here considered a social phenomenon constituted in and by language, occurring in a São Paulo State school in the Great São Paulo area. For the comprehension of its constitution, and the historical process that allows it to come up, it was required that all its elements be dialectically related. Thus, this work is defined as a qualitative socio-historical research (Freitas, 2002), using Historical Dialectic Materialism (Triviños, 1987). Firstly, it was necessary to open the way by a reflection about the disciplinary societies formation (Foucault, 1975/2007, 1976/2005, 1979/2005) with basis on 18t h century history, establishing a dialogue with educational authors in the field of school indiscipline (Aquino, 1996, 1998 a, 1998b; Guirado, 1996). Secondly, the relation of languageindividual- society is grounded on Vigotski (1926/2004, 1930/2003, 1934/2003, 2001). As the finality is to analyze the inscription of the chattiness experience in the participants subjectivities, Lane (1984) and González Rey (2005) is the theoretical reference needed. At the end of the research, it was understood that chattiness consists of multiple apparent and essential phenomena, making it a synthesis of the precarious condition that the State education presents in a social context of inequality, as part of the present social project. All this made the school be the only place for students socialization, where chattiness has become an answer to a socio-economicaleducational situation. This experience has produced the constitution of desolated and resigned subjects. Ultimately, chat tiness represents the tip of the iceberg of a serious social and educational reality


manejo de classe educação estadual applied linguistics indisciplina subjetividade state education linguistica aplicada indiscipline conversacao chattiness falação subjectivity disciplina escolar

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