Em busca da harmonia perdida : mito e discurso politico (uma analise a partir da campanha eleitoral brasileira de 1994)




The eh ]Jression"political myht" is used, in general, in a careless way, as a not cIearly defined element ofrhetoric. The objective ofthis dissertation is to sustainthe relevance of the concept of"political myth",once established as an accurate and operational tool in the analysis of the political discourse. The starting point is the analysis of three different approaches to myth:Roland Barthes conception about contempornrymythologies,with the essencial trace being mystification, which transforms history into nature;Mircea Eliade s belief that myths in primitive societies are narratives of origin that by the periodical actualization attempt to stop the stream of historical time; and the one introduced by Georges Sorel, that portrays the political mythas an irrational and mobilizing element par excellence. Hereafter, it is possible to draft a stricter concept of political myth, which would be the political form of rejection ofpolitics. There is a diffuse rejection to conflict within society (conflict thaf politics expresses), which mythic discourse explores by presentingthe image of refoundhannony. Discourse is the primordial means of engagingin politics and this is why mythic elements are conveyed by political speeches. It is not possible to ignore, therefore, the change imposed by the new mass media on this discourse. The political speeches vehiculated by IV - the hegemonic medimn - have become more image-centered, :6:-agrrientedi,ffuse as well as intimate. Adaptation to the exigencys of fuI."media changes political discourse as a whole, incIudingthe mythic elements it might contain. Instead of the narnrtive-myths,like primitive societies, modero society has wimessed the emergence ofasituation in which mythicflash and instant image establish a dialogue with preexisting "social imaginary". This analysis ofthe political mythis based on a welI delimited corpus: the set of electoral progrmnmes broadcast in IV in the course of the 1994 Brazilian presidential campaign. Although only one candidate - Enéas Carneiro, ftom Prona - comes cIose to a "classical" political myth (the Saviour of the Nation), it was possible to identifYin the corpus a nmnber of mythic elements, related to t4emes such unity, competence,authority andtransparency. At last, the dissertation raises some concems about political ethics. Given the pivotal role played by discourse in the political practice, this ethics must be an ethics of the discourse. It must show in a. clear and honest manner the intentionsof the emitter, in order to avoid the manipulation of the public s adhesion (basic mechanism of representative democracy).The mythis opposed ofthis kind of ethics because it higbligbts and imageofsociety that does not correspond to the society the politician will try to build ifhe obtains a power position


eleições - brasil mito discurso politico

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