Eletromiografia do membro superior no uso do computador : estudo comparativo entre duas ortes de punho / Eletromiography of the upper limbs during computer work : comparision of two wrist orthoses




With the advent of information technology, health problems related to the excessive use of the computer have appeared, mainly in what it refers to musculoskeletal overuse of the cervical region and upper limbs. The objective this study was to examine the effect of wrist orthoses on the electromyographycal activities of the extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum superficialis, and fibers of the upper trapezius muscles during computer work. Twenty-three healthy university students, ranging from 18 to 26 years of age, performed standardized tasks, randomized, such as typing and using the mouse while wearing one of two types of wrist orthoses or without orthosis. Surface electromyography was used considering 100% the maximum voluntary contraction to represent the amplitude of electromyographic activity. A significant increase in the electromyographic activity of the trapezius (P<0.05) was found when either of the orthoses was used. No significant difference was observed in the activities of the flexor digitorum superficialis or extensor carpi ulnaris whether or not orthoses were used in participants who typed. However, upon mouse use, the extensor carpi ulnaris activities was increased with both orthoses, and the same pattern was observed in the flexor digitorum superficialis when the volunteers used the custom-made orthosis. It was concluded that the studied models of wrist orthoses may affect the some muscle activities in the upper limbs of healthy adults when using a computer


terapia ocupacional cumulative trauma disorders wrist punhos electromyography reabilitação orthosis eletromiografia dort rehabilitation occupation therapy ortese

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