Elementos necessários à atuação de professores de 1 à 4 série atuando em escolas municipais inclusivas




The present research aimed at the identification and the discussion of important elements for the competent teacher work ,from the first to the fourth grades, where there exist students with physical, mental, sensorial or multiple deficiencies, in the process of being included into Municipal Educational System of Rio Claro City. The theory referential has involved bibliography and documental research and covers definitions and terminonology about people and students with deficiency, the importance of the school inclusion, the teacher work and the continuing education in the educational environment. The field study followed a qualitative approach, having as data collection an interview for the focal group, where eight teachers have expressed their opinions about the accessibility at the school, in the school classroom, the teaching resources, as well as the teachers professional degree, and the work of the teacher. The selected items were organized in categories which composed the theme core, where the participants testimony were grouped, contributing to the whole vision of the elements necessary to the improvement of the state of school inclusion, in special the teachers work. The collection of the identified and discussed elements send it significantly to the effective relationship of the students with deficiency among their peers and the teacher, favoring the access to the knowledge and the respect to the singularity and diversity of them. Besides this, it is necessary curricular adaptations and teaching resources concerning the classroom activities. Legislation and teaching orientation were themes suggested for the programs on continuing education, as well as exchanging experiences in the Group Pedagogical Meetings at school. The research reached completely the proposed objective and its content points to possible contributions in the teachers work relation to school inclusion.


formação continuada atuação de professores inclusão escolar learning resources students with deficiency continuing education psicologia alunos com deficiência recursos didáticos school inclusion teachers work

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