Ele é da família, fazer o quê?: avanços e desafios das políticas públicas no enfrentamento da violência contra a pessoa idosa.




The title of this work refers to the report of a deponent and put on the scene the challenge of public policy in the face of violence against the elderly, which has reached alarming proportions, despite the underreporting. It is to the women it has given a more applicant. Accordingly, the present work based on the central objective of examining the manifestations of violence against the elderly in view of gender. Thus, some specific objectives were outlined, namely: to investigate the reporting of violence to build a profile of violence and the subject involved; identifying the elements that contribute to violence against the elderly; to search of how be the man and a woman interferes with the type of violence experienced by both sexes; to understand the meaning of violence for people victimized, and finally, examine how policies act against of violence. The strategies of perception of the object of study were diverse and include the holding of direct observation, home visits and semi-structured interviews, techniques aided by the use of a field diary. As in the act of search must be expected the unpredictable, the cases of complaints registered in the Núcleo de Atendimento à Pessoa Idosa Vitimizada (NAPIV) the city of Fortaleza / CE, field research, suggested a convergence of other forms of violence such as physical and psychological, financial violence, and the competition for income or assets the background chosen. Indeed, the fact that the offending part of the family puts into flagship position in relation to the person raped. This nuance emerges conflictual relationship of love and pain. The sufferings are different. The blame for what they think the elderly have been failure of its performance as a member of the family focuses more strongly among women, as socially responsible for the care and education of children. For men, the loss of power before the family is configured as central issue. In this context, inevitably, appear effects experienced relations between generations within the home.


intergenerational relations violência-pessoa idosa ciencias sociais aplicadas relações intergeracionais gnero poder gender power violence políticas públicas. elderly public policy.

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