Effect of the essential oils of seasonings on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus in creamy ricotta / Efeito de Ãleos essenciais de condimentos sobre o crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus em ricota cremosa




Food safety is of general concern, in which consumers look for safe products while industries search for alternatives to increase the life of shelf products with safety. With the culture of the organical products in the globalized world the addition of natural substances for the microbial control has been very used. The seasonings, which were added to victual as preservants since remote times are still used. However, nowadays, the addition of essences is searched as a viable alternative for adding value to the product. Preservants naturally produced by bacteria such as nisina, are also employed in victuals, mainly those with a high possibility of being contaminated. The ricotta, cheese produced from the serum of sweet milk, presents high moisture. It is very susceptible to contamination, mainly from bacteria derived from the manipulation, as Staphylococcus aureus, pathogen responsible by serious alimentary intoxication. The objective of this study was to evaluate the inhibition concentration of essential oil of carnation (Syzygium aromaticum), oregano (Origanum vulgare), and basil (Ocimum basilicum), and subsequent addition of the inhibitory concentration to the ricotta, added or not to nisina. In the results of the tests in vitro, the essential oil of carnation presented largest inhibition halo of 1%, the basil of 10% and oreganoâs the largest inhibition halo of 5%. On the ricotta alimentary matrix the oil that most inhibited the growth of S. aureus was the carnation with a reduction of 4.27 logarithmic units, when compared to the growth of microorganism in ricotta without conservants, followed by the basil with 4.05 logarithmic units and oregano with 3.08 logarithmic units. The addition of nisin did not caused a decrease in the number of microorganism besides 24 hours when the number of S. aureus grew again, arriving at the end with indexes equal to the control. The interaction between oils and nisina was not verified in the experimental condition. The addition of essential oil to victuals, as ricotta is an auxiliary technique to control the growth of microorganism contaminants.


manjericÃo cravo da Ãndia staphylococcus ciencia de alimentos Ãleo essencial estafilococo orÃgano ricotta carnation ricota essential oils oregano basil

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