Effect of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the post weaning fertility in primiparous and pluriparous sows / Efeito das Gonadotrofinas coriônicas equina (eCG) e humana (hCG) na fertilidade pós-desmame em femeas suínas primíparas e pluríparas




The objectives of this experiment were to compare the estrous rate, the concentration of the estrous period, the weaning-to-estrous interval (WEI), the gestation, farrowing and live piglets rates and the litter size in primiparous (P1) and pluriparous sows of second farrowing (P2), treated with 400 UI of eCG and 200 UI of hCG (PG 600, Intervet), on the same day of the weaning (T0) or 48 hours after it (T2). 151 Large White or crossbred Landrace x Large White females were distributed in 4 treatment groups and 149 as control females (C0, C2). These received distilled water simultaneously as the treated animals. In the analysis of the data qui-square, exact of Fischer or t-Student tests were used. The results showed the concentration of the estrous period between the 3rd and 5th days after weaning for the primiparous females (p<0.05). There was a reduction of WEI (p<0.05) to the 3rd day in the primiparous treated at the day of weaning and to the 4rd day in primiparous treated 48 hours later. There was no treatment effect on the rates of estrous, gestation and farrowing in all groups. It was observed an increase (p<0.05) in the number of pigglets born alive in the pluriparous treated at the weaning (P2T0) and a reduction (p<0.05) in the pluriparous treated 48 hours after weaning (P2T2). We concluded that the hormonal treatment has reduced the WEI and concentrated the estrous period, specially in the primiparous sows treated at the day of weaning, so decreasing the days open.


porcas intervalo desmame-cio suíno - fecundidade producao animal primiparous weaning-to-estrus interval (wei) ecg sows pluriparous plurípara primípara suíno - reprodução hcg

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