Efeitos inibitórios de uma pista visual em tarefas de tempo de reação. / Inhibitory effects of a visual cue in reaction time tasks.




In reaction time tasks, a visual cue can trigger several processes and each of these processes can have either a facilitatory or inhibitory influence on different stages of target processing. It has been suggested that task set might modulate cuing effects. In the present study, we investigated the possible causes of inhibitory cueing effects. In experiments involving a go/no-go discrimination task, an inhibitory cueing effect on reaction time was found when a fixed asynchrony between cue onset and target onset (SOA) was used, but not when varied SOAs was used. In a choice discrimination task no inhibitory cueing effect was observed, while in a detection task there was a facilitatory cueing effect. We propose that the inhibitory cueing effect in the go/no-go task arises from the inhibition of an automatic tendency to respond to the cue. This would slow responding to the subsequent target stimulus. Our results suggest that a response inhibition to the cue may contribute to the inhibition of return effect.


psicofísica inhibition of return atenção visual inibição de retorno experimental psychology visual attention psychophysis psicologia experimental

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