Efeitos de políticas alternativas sobre a redistribuição de renda na economia brasileira / Effects of alternative policies on the income redistribution in the Brazilian economy




One of the serious problems in the Brazilian economy is its high degree of income inequality. For decades Brazil has been occupiyng a deplorable prominent position amongst the countries with the worst income distribution. The richest 1% and the poorest 50% of the population take hold of, virtually, the same amount of the total income generated in the country. For this reason, the aim of this work was to determine the impacts of alternative policies on the income redistribution on the Brazilian economy, as well as their effects on the welfare levels of four income classes (F1, F2, F3 and F4). Three different policies were considered, but with the same purpose - to reduce the income inequality: direct income transfers (non-contributory benefits), tax reduction, and encouragement to farming products exportations. The used methodology was based on an Applied General Equilibrium (AGE) model, whose main data source is the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). Four sceneries were simulated, two referring to increases in the volume of transferences (shock of 12% and 22%); one of a tax decrease in the goods acquired by the poor families (40% shock); and another one that deals with the encouragement to the farm products exports (25% shock). As a result of the increase policies in the volume transference, it was verified that the families of the F1 income class showed a significant growth in their welfare levels and in their incomes, while the families of the income classes F2, F3 and F4 showed a decrease in these two variables. On the tax decrease from the goods acquired by the poor families, the results evidenced that the incomes of all the economic agents suffered reductions, motivated, basically, by the reduction of the transferences from the government to the families; however, due to the decrease in the taxes, the available income (income minus tax) from the F1 class and, consequently, its welfare level, increased, or either, the tax reduction more than compensated the income reduction from the poor families, generating, therefore, a positive liquid effect. Nevertheless the stimulation policies to farm products exports revealed little efficiency on reducing the income inequality, although providing the income growth for all the family classes. According to the results, it was possible to conclude that the programs of income assistance transference have really been important in order to decrease the income iniquity degree in the Brazilian economy in the last years. Moreover, this kind of policy has revealed superior, in the redistribution issue, to the two alternative policies, or better, tax reduction and stimulation to farm products exports.


bem-estar modelo aplicado de equilíbrio geral an applied general equilibrium model distribuição de renda metodos quantitativos em economia income distribution welfare

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