Efeitos da suplementação de Omega-3 no processo inflamatório e dano muscular induzidos por estresse físico e restrição alimentar em militares




The literature has several studies showing the anti-inflammatory and protective against cardiovascular disease, the polyunsaturated fatty acids are omega-3 intake of fatty acids has been recommended as a way to prevent heart disease and improve heart function. There are few studies involving the anti-inflammatory effect of fatty acids omega-3, with the inflammatory process triggered by physical stress of great magnitude. The effect of supplementation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) omega-3 (n-3) in the immune response and occurrence of muscle damage in soldiers were investigated. Twenty males were divided in two groups and they received capsules contends PUFA n-3 (SUP) (n=10) or placebo (PLA) (n=10) during four weeks. in elapsing of the fourth week of supplementation, the military were submitted to a military camp with caloric ingestion and restricted rest, and elevated physical and psychological stress. The concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP-hs) was used as inflammatory marker and the occurrence of muscle damage by creatine kinases (CK) activity. Sanguine samples were taken in four moments: 1) before supplementation; 2) before camp; 3) during camp; 4) after camp. During the three weeks of supplementation that preceded the camps routine, was observed a significant reduction in serum CRP-hss concentration only in group SUP. A significant increase of CK activity in the after camp, confirmed the character strenuous of this procedure. In spite of not impeding the PCR-uss increase, SUP presented a concentration of PCR-hs significantly smaller than PLA at the end of camp. These results suggest that PUFA n-3 supplementation exercises a protecting effect against the inflammatory process induced by intense physical training and alimentary restriction


Ácido docosahexaenóico omega-3 and exercise nutricao omega-3 and c-reactive protein-hs Ômega-3 ômega-3 e exercício. Ácido eicosapentaenóico proteína creativa eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid

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