Efeitos da radiação gama sobre microbiota fúngica e micotoxinas encontradas em ração de frangos de corte. / Effects of gamma radiation on fungal microbiota and mycotoxins in broiler chicken feed.




The purpose of this experiment was to determine the impact of gamma radiation on the control of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins (aflatoxin and fumonisin) found in broiler chicken feed. Results show that irradiation of feed with 5 kGy was effective on the control of deleterious effects caused by mycotoxins on performance parameters, hematological and biochemical values. Irradiated samples presented lower fungal contamination levels than those not irradiated, although radiation doses used in this experiment did not reduce aflatoxin and fumonisins levels previously found on the samples. We concluded that 5 kGy is the recommended dose for broiler´s feed. Despite the fact that it does not change the mycotoxin levels found in the samples, this dose significantly reduces the fungal microbiota and modifies the feed digestibility, increasing the final weight of broiler chickens.


fusarium fusarium aspergillus radiação gama frangos de corte gamma radiation broiler chickens aspergillus

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