Efeitos da estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua em tarefa de compreensão de leitura


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Reading, involving the decoding and comprehension, has been studied by researchers. Currently, neurological studies related to semantic processing brain structures such as temporal cortex, parietal and occipital lobes, and the involvement of these structures in reading comprehension. However, the integration between them is still poorly understood. This work proposes the study of reading comprehension by differentiating the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) applied in left anterior temporal cortex. To this end, was measured up the pattern of eye movements during reading in 12 subjects, university students, male and without learning difficulties or disorders reported. To assess the reading comprehension was used a test with ten questions of interpretive nature extract from ENEM (National Examination of Secondary Education). To measure the influence of working memory was used in the "Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults. Data were compared with nonparametric statistical techniques. For comparison p-values wer calculated (significance level of 0.05 ‒ 5%). Although it was not observed effect of anode, cathode and placebo stimullation in reading comprehension, this study allowed to confirm some facts described in the literature. Statistically, it was made clear that there was no relation between the type of stimulation applied and the number of hits presented. It was found a strong and constant decrease in Time and Number of Fixations from first to third application of the Comprehension Reading Test, which indicates that there has been an increasingly rapid access to semantic networks with prevalence of the use of memory. To develop knowledge concerning the reading could help to investigations on the theme.


oftalmologia estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua compreensão de leitura movimentos oculares transcranial direct current stimulation reading comprehension eye movements

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