Efeito da convergência contábil sobre o conservadorismo das instituições financeiras / The convergence with international financial reporting standards (IFRS) on the conservative accounting practices adopted by Brazilian financial institutions


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aimed to investigate whether, after Law 11.638/07 and Resolution 3.786/09 came into force, changes occurred in the conditional conservatism of publicly traded financial institutions listed on BM&FBOVESPA. The study intends to offer contributions to financial institutions\ accounting related to this specific sector\ s reaction to the regulatory changes brought about by the international convergence process of accounting standards. According to international literature, accounting regulations provide incentives towards greater conservatism of companies\ financial statements. Regulatory entities stimulate the use of conservatism in financial information, as the results these statements present are used as an information source for the market. Hence, conservatism is considered an important practice in accounting, as it is part of financial information\ s qualitative characteristics, which are attributes that make it useful to users. To measure conditional conservatism, the model proposed by Basu (1997) was used, adjusted to measures the effects of these standards. Sample data were collected from ECONOMÁTICA database between March 2000 and March 2010. Empirical data demonstrated that the coming into force of Law 11.638/07 and Resolution 3.786/09 did not affect the level of conditional conservatism in the profits the financial institutions under analysis disseminated.


conservatism divulgação de informa financial institutions instituições financeiras international accounting standards lucro contábil padrões e normas contábeis accounting convergence

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