Educomunicação e expressão comunicativa: a produção radiofônica de crianças e jovens no projeto educom.rádio / Educomunicação e expressão comunicativa: a produção radiofônica de crianças e jovens no projeto educom.rádio




This thesis investigates the consolidation of a new academic field called educommunication. The emphasis is to analize radio productions under the technology mediation perspective in education, at a specif project identified as, developed by the Nucleus of Communication and Education of the University of São Pualo, in 455 São Paulos public schools, since 2001 until 2004. We intend to make a quantitativity investigation of more than 600 radio programms produced by teachers and students. We also inted to go ahead in two years after the end of, presenting a qualitivity analysis of the educommnunication activities with radio productions at São Paulo public schools, in 2005 and 2006. The research elucidates the conditions and the results of educommunication actions to improve the communication process at schools and to estimulate children and teens participation in educational communities real life, in order to increase their expression habilities and to help them to become more critc and creative citzens.


mediation technology comunicação radio education educomunicação communication mediação tecnológica rádio educommunication educação

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