Educação em saúde para o desenvolvimento de habilidades auditivas na infância




The assistance to children s health, inside the schooling context, constantly needs new outlining and guideline. The prevention and the promotion of health present advancement in intersectors policies, matching the strictly biomedical vision into the different areas of health. This study approaches how auditive health, inside a perspective of primary attention, can be connected to the schooling bounds. The identification of knowledge of infant teachers about the development and auditive skills were objected; investigation and applicability of auditive encouragement ministered by infant teachers and propose health strategies, seeking a manual creation of auditive health promotion. They were participants of this study five infant teachers that worked at Maria Alice Municipal School. The data collect procedured through participants observation, semi structured interviews and educational workshops registered in a field diary, from February to September 2006. the data organization followed the thematic analysis of Bardin, once it s a method that works subjectivity and qualitative variation. After the results organization it was identified the extracted categories in the interviews, which were: The meaning of the audition in the schooling experience, The problem exists! and Impediment in the classroom. It was understood that the informants knew just a little the aspects related to auditive health and didn t know anything concerned to the student s health. The strategies of auditive stimulation were learned and better established into the pedagogical practice. It s advisable competence involving education and health to a better approval of the proposals to health promotion.


crianÇas - distÚrbios da audiÇÃo - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva

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