Economia da esmola e subdesenvolvimento sustentável. A Legião da Boa Vontade (1950-2001) / Economy of Alms




What does economy of alms mean? Is alms a means to an end or an end in itself? Alms is a means for survival within the line of misery. What happens is that when alms is institutionally aprropriate and, therefore, structured by a religious organization, it becomes an end for the entity, who uses it as a sustaining instrument: the economy ofalms appears, with an aim wchic is essentially economic, so much co, that it is not possible to imagine any of the institutions that make use of this means (the alms) to stop using it and continue to survive (one goes back to using alms as a means to an end). If the organized alms gives origin to the economy of alms which, in its turn, generates abundance of material and accumulation of capital, them we have the creation of a formal alms market, but which is not nominated as such.


alms enriquecimento salvation. filantropia organization organização salvação. philanthropic salvation esmola profit making

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