É ainda o Século das Caixas Econômicas? Um Estudo sobre Bancos Federais, Autoridade Monetária e Democracia / Still the Century of Government Savings Banks? A Case Study into Federal Banks, Monetary Authority and Democracy




This research explores general concerns about monetary policy, public banks, and democracy through a historical-institutional study of the Brazilian federal government savings bank (Caixa Econômica Federal). This report presents initial results of research on the political and social dimensions of government savings banks in Brazilian history as well the organization of data bases for analysis of the behavior of private, public, and foreign banks in Brazilian credit markets since the end of high inflation in 1994. Analysis also focuses on the government refinancing of the Caixa Econômica Federal during 2001 and current efforts of strategic reorientation within the bank.


instituições financeiras públicas federais sociologia política desenvolvimento

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