Drogas, AIDS e redução de danos em Londrina : uma avaliação em curso




The present study it searched to evaluate, from a documentary analysis, the accompaniment of the Health department for the project of harm reduction of the Aids Interdisciplinary Londrinense Association - AILA, having as material analyzed its instruments of register of called information reports of progress and techniciannarrative. It also searched to make a effectiveness evaluation on the actions of the project, that it aims at, of the point of view of the health, to take care of users of drugs without demanding the abstinence of the use. We construct to a theoretical reference on the drugs and its implications, and still we approach social the politics public, especially of customer service of drugs. As methodology, we construct axles for analyzes, established in studied documents. The final synthesis points with respect to importance of the implantation of action of prevention and has controlled to the aids.


aids (doença) - aspectos sociais drogas prevention of drug abuse aids (disease) - prevention

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