Doses de nitrogênio e de enxofre para a recuperação de pastagem com capim-braquiária: atributos de parte aérea, raízes e fertilidade do solo / Nitrogen and sulfur rates for a Signal grass pasture recovery: forage aboveground and roots, and soil fertility attributes




Fertilizer application has been essential to pastures establishment, maintenance and recovery, whereas sulfur supply may be inadequate for grasses receiving high nitrogen rates. The objectives were to study the effects of combined nitrogen and sulfur rates in a degrading Signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens) pasture, by evaluating productive, morphological, physiological, nutritional attributes in plants and on soil fertility attributes at four depths. The experiment was carried out in a degrading Signal grass pasture, which was over eight years established in an Entisol. Five nitrogen rates (0; 150; 300; 450 and 600 kg ha-1 year-1) and five sulfur rates (0; 15; 30; 45 and 60 kg ha-1 year-1) were combined in a 5x5 fractionated factorial in a randomized block design, with three replications. Nitrogen was supplied as ammonium nitrate and sulfur as gypsum, and the rates were split into three times in the rainy season. The evaluations in the field occurred at predetermined intervals of 35 days during the rainy season and 65 days in the dry season, in two consecutive years. Plants sampling were done within a 1.00 m x 0.25 m wood rectangle and the cut height was at 5 cm from the soil surface. Roots were collected with a 4 cm diameter auger, at 0-10; 10-20; 20-30 and 30-40 cm soil depths. Measurements were carried on forage dry mass, roots dry mass, roots length and surface, nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) concentrations in diagnostic leaves (DL) and roots, N:S ratio in DL, SPAD readings and leaf area index (LAI). Nitrogen and sulfur combinations promoted the recovery in Signal grass productivity in the first rainy season and first year of experimentation, and nitrogen fertilization resulted in increases in the forage dry mass in the two dry periods, in the second rainy season and second year. Nitrogen rates increased the LAI and the nitrogen concentration in DL in all Signal grass evaluations. SPAD values were increased with nitrogen and sulfur rates in the two years of pasture evaluations. Sulfur non-application resulted in sulfur deficiency in the grass, which was demonstrated by both low sulfur concentration and high N:S ratio in DL. Changes in the roots were verified with nitrogen and sulfur applications, and occurred in dry mass, length, area and concentration of these two nutrients. Applications of high nitrogen rates increased organic matter content, nitrate and ammonium concentrations in the soil, and decreased pH, total nitrogen concentration and sum of exchangeable bases in the soil. Concentration of ammonium was higher than nitrate in the soil. Increases in sulfate, ammonium, and exchangeable potassium and calcium were found with increasing sulfur rates.


pastagens. capim braquiária nitrogen fertilization nitrogênio sulfur adubação enxofre signal grass gramíneas forrageiras forage grass pasture soil fertility fertilidade do solo

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