Donas da beleza: a imagem feminina na cultura ocidental pelas artistas plásticas do século XX / Donas da beleza: a imagem feminina na cultura ocidental pelas artistas plásticas do século XX




In Owners of the Beauty I have studied the representation of feminine in the occidental culture in the production of the plastic female artists of 20th century. The study was developed to examine, from an aesthetic and socio-cultural perspective, the different models of Beauty, as they are considered, as they coexist, and still, as they relate through different periods, without losing the established focus - the feminine look. This parameter implied a comparative study that identifies similarities and differences in the way of representation of dominant archetypes in men and women imaginary. Under the heading Configurations of the Feminine Beauty these categories appear: Deity, Maternity, Innocence, Maturity, Sensuality and Ideal. It is a visual picture of reference where artists and workmanships are lined up by the diversity of treatment of subjects, techniques and contexts of production, in a time line that comprehends 20th century and its phases of transition and which imply other readings, other ways to see the image of the woman, the woman artist, the history of the art.


mulher artista beauty feminine image history of art beleza culture cultura woman artist história da arte imagem feminina

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