Do factual ao ficcional e vice-versa: sobre o trânsito informacional na ambiência midiática.




We have observed the contemporary rise up of a phenomenon: the discursive shuffling of the various realities. The former differentiative processes that split discourses in factual (real) and fictional (unreal) have lost strength before the striking emerge of mediatic image which power of turning any subject believable wiped off such opposition. In structuralizing the information in a spectacular way, the media generated a discursive leveling/convergence presenting under similar faces the various perspectives on the world. Moreover, for basing themselves on the entertainment-information logic, the offered product is a factual-fictional alloy. In what regards the Brazilian conjuncture, this situation becomes evident when we notice that journalism presents us reports under a fiction look (fictionalization) and soap operas, on the other hand, with factual features (factualization). Therefore, there is a noticeable encounter generating dialogue: there are frequent cases in which soap operish matters are discussed on news media and vice-versa. It is from under this scope that the present study is risen, which main objective is to analyze the mediatic-discursive interaction process between fictional and factual fields, and so perceiving the structuralization of the discursive transit in mediatic ambience. This research first presupposed the problematization of some key-concepts to be known, reality and fiction, in order to achieving the nature of this opposition. Afterwards, the observation of which present conjuncture aspects guided to an imbrication of such instances became important. Understood the context, we could turn to the text, in other words, we could perceive how the pointed interaction takes place. So, the empirical step was achieved: we developed an exploratory research around the incidence of subjects dealt by the soap opera Mulheres Apaixonadas (fictional representative), also around printed journalism (factual representative) we bound ourselves to weekly magazines Veja and Istoé and the daily newspaper Folha de São Paulo in the same broadcasting period of the mentioned program. In addition, in a contrary way, we verified through references in the ambit of this soap opera and through interviews given by its author, Manoel Carlos, up to what point the quotidian presented on news programs was present in the discussions of such narrative. At the end we noticed, in a more precise way, a network structured media in which such great cohesion brought up a new environment where it no longer matters if the images refer to facts or fictions, the only relevant condition of these discourses is that they are now simply mediatic realities.


sociologia informational transit ambiência midiática journalism telenovela mediatic ambience trânsito informacional jornalismo soap opera

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