Do corpo do texto ao texto do corpo: a pertinência e a atualidade do mito de Pigmalião




The present study is based on the conflicting relation of mankind with their mortal destiny and their desire to escape from death by means of imaginary production, which according to Gilbert Durand, constitutes into a kind of defense against time and death. The main objective is to highlight the anthropological route in which the Pigmalion myth reinvented in the modern context goes through the subjective pole, which is represented by the psychological and biographical forces, and the objective pole of the social manifestations. Therefore, the approach to such myth is taken here as the representation of the contemporary man who, in order to deceive the effects of time and the brutal arrival of death, proposes the transformation of his own body through science and art by reinventing himself. The methods adopted in this study are the myth criticism, which analyses the recriation of myth in literature, and the myth analysis, which investigates the mythical manifestation in our social, historical and cultural context.


mito mitocrítica mitoanálise pigmalião imaginário teoria literaria

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