Disturbio de panico : contribuições para uma abordagem psicodinamica




This dissertation is a critical reflection on the assimilation of the phenomenon of panic attacks into the nosological categories of modern psychiatry, under the title of Panic Disorder (P.D.). The clear definition of the cluster of symptons, the evidence of modification in these symptons through the use of medication and the discovery of biological elements associated with this clinical picture are factors which favoured the development of its concept as an illness. The main objective of this work is to reinstate the humanistic dimension to the phenomenon of panic so as to contribute to an integrated clinical practice for patients diagnosed as suffering from P.D. The organization of these reflections is focused on clinical experience - a pratice which has been marked by the reference to biological findings. For this reason the dissertation has been set out in the following way: 1. The presentation and discussion of Panic Disorder in its historical and clinical aspects such as they are conceived of in psychiatry as well as the limits of its operational criteria. 2. The use of the term "panic" in other contexts and the relationship between these contexts and Panic .Disorder - the phenomenon of panic is discussed from the viewpoint of the subjects experience. 3. Discussion of the natural sciences approach to the phenomenon of panic and the possibilities of an approximation following the procedures of human science. 4. Presentation of some of the contributions of psychoanalysis to the understanding of panic and reflections as to the repercussions in clinical attitude. 5. Using the case history of a patent diagnosed as suffering from Panic Disorder as a reference rthe clinical attitude towards this patient is discussed in relation to the psychodynamic factor s involved. In conclusion, some clinlcal proposals are presented for future investigation which Include the role of the psychiatrist especially with regard to diagnosis pharmacological prescription, follow-up, the role of individual psychotherapy and proposals to work in groups and with family members.



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