Discharge patterns of pudendal efferent fibres innervating the external anal sphincter of the cat.


Segmental somatic reflexes to pudendal motor axons which innervate the skeletal muscle of the external anal sphincter were studied in cats with an intact spinal cord and in acutely spinalized cats (T13-L2 spinal cord transection level) during electrical stimulation of afferent fibres in the pudendal nerve, during distension of the anal canal and reproductive organs, and during tactile (light touch and pressure) and nociceptive stimuli (pinch) applied to the mucosa of the anal canal, anal-perianal skin region, and the skin surrounding reproductive organs. Forty single pudendal motor axons recorded from nerve filaments in the pudendal nerve branch to the external anal sphincter which responded reflexly to electrical stimulation of afferent fibres in the contralateral pudendal nerve were studied. Only one motor axon was spontaneously active. 70% of these motor axons were also activated by distension of the anal canal and reproductive organs and by mechanical stimulation of the skin. 61% of motor axons which were activated by distension of the anal canal were also activated by mechanical stimulation of the mucosa of the anal canal, anal-perianal skin region. 29% of motor axons were activated by convergent afferent inputs (during distension and mechanical stimulation) from both reproductive organs and from the external anal sphincter region. Motor axons exhibited bursts of action potentials during reflexes initiated during distension of the anal canal and vagina. Motor axons exhibited phasic discharges of action potentials during reflexes initiated by tactile or nociceptive stimuli applied to the mucosa of the anal canal, anal-perianal skin region and the skin surrounding reproductive organs. The peak firing frequencies of action potentials during mechanical stimulation of the skin ranged from 8 to 35 Hz. The average firing frequencies of action potentials during continuous distension of the anal canal ranged from 4 to 16 Hz.

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