Direitos reprodutivos, direitos humanos e bioética: repercussões éticas e jurídicas do projeto monoparental feminino / Direitos reprodutivos, direitos humanos e bioética: repercussões éticas e jurídicas do projeto monoparental feminino




The subject concerning reproductive rights, as most of the demands nowadays, is very complex, not only because of its links with biosciences and biotechnology with its particular dynamics and ambiguous effects , but also because of its origins in feminism which makes it very likely to partial and/or partidary interpretations. Therefore, the present dissertation intends to face the issue of reproductive rights taking into consideration its inherent complexity, which is very clear in the chosen example of the single woman project of parenthood in which a single woman, addopting the use of artificial insemination with a donors semen, has the intention to form a family composed only by a mother and a child, without establishing affective or sexual bonds with a man. Searching the ethical and juridical consequences that would arise from the single woman project of parenthood, this research starts from two main analysis: a bioethical one, in the first chapter, with emphasis in the principalist and personalist models, where we get to the idea of human dignity; and another one regarding the human rights, in the second chapter, where we describe its trajectory and where its studied the possibility that these bioethical reflexions can lead to a juridical concretization.Moving to the third chapter, regarding reproductive rights, we deal about the feminist movements contributions towards the affirmations of reproductive rights and its inclusion in the human rights catalogue. And, at last, attained to the example of the single woman project of parenthood, we show the possible ethical and juridical repercussions that would take place facing the reproductive rights interpreted as rights to procreation


bioética human rights bioethics projeto monoparental feminino direitos humanos direitos reprodutivos reproductive rights direito feminism single parenthood

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