Direito e educação: políticas públicas no sistema educacional brasileiro




The present dissertation aims at promoting an institutional debate between education and law, two powerful tools to social transformation, besides revealing the importance of public policies as helpers for an approximation between law and todays reality. Throughout this text, we will try to demonstrate how these two items actually possess a magic wand to change or maintain the order in force, currently based on the capitalist logic, which promotes social and economic segregation of modern society individuals. Thus, the first part of this work will focus on the analysis of this duality, this contradiction present in both elements, on the structure of social relations level. Next, we will try to depict a brief view of todays Education in Brazil, mixing theoretical and practical aspects of the definitions of Education. During the theoretical investigation, we will discuss the ideal performance of Education, as means to form individuals responsible for their own full citizenship. Thus, this Education quality is presented as the only way for the emancipation of individuals to the level of conscious social actors, disseminating values such as justice, brotherhood and democracy. As far as practical investigation goes, we will fragmentate, at first, the Brazilian educational system, focusing on basic education (which comprises kindergarten, elementary and high school), so as to facilitate the analysis of its laws, strategies and course of actions. On the same view, we will also investigate the role of organized civil society. At the end of the dissertation, we will concentrate our efforts on identifying the conquests and flows that have characterized and still characterize the principles consolidation process, rights and guarantees of the Federal Constitution of 1988, from the Child and Adolescent Statute, and of the Directions and Basis of National Education Law.


direito cidadania, emancipação education citizenship law políticas públicas public policies educação básica direito basic education emancipation educação

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