Dipteros muscoides associados a fezes frescas de gado bovino e seus parasitoides, nos municipios de Uberlandia-MG e Itumbiara-Go




A survey of flies (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) and their parasites (Hymenoptera and Coleoptera) was undertaken from November 1993 to October 1994 at the "Fazenda Experimental do Glória" Uberlândia, MG (site 1), and from November 1994 to October 1995 at the "Chácara Vilela", Itumbiara, GO (site 2). Ten random samples ofbovine dung were taken month1y, from pats approximately one week old, placed in plastic containers and taken to the laboratory of the "Departamento de Biociências, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia"(site 1), and "Laboratório da Faculdade de Ensino Superior de Itumbiara, GO" (site 2), where the arthropods were extracted by flotation in water. The pupae we individually placed in gelatin capsules until the emergence of adults flies or their parasitoids. The collected families at the two sites similar, and the Sarcophagidae were the most diverse. The parasitoid families were also similar for both sites and the Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera) presented the highest number of collected specimens. The most abundant species of flies were: Palaeosepsis insularis, Sarcophagula spp., Brontaea spl, and Brontaea sp2. The pupal parasitoids present in higher numbers at site 1 were: Eucoilidae sp3, Eucoilidae spl, Spalangia drosophilae and Eucoilidae sp2. The site 2, the most abundant species were: Eucoilidae sp2, Spalangia nigroaenea, and Eucoilidae sp3. At site 1, 50% ofthe hosts were more abundant during the cool and humid season, whereas there was no difference in parasitoid abundance at site 2. Regarding the parasitoids, they were more abundant during the cool season at site 1, and during the cool and humid season at site 2. The faunistic indexes determined for both sites evidenced that the majority of hosts and parasitoids were not dominant. In both environrnents, there was a predominance of the parasitoids for species of Sepsidae and for Sarcophagula spp. Theis latter species also presented the highest diversity of parasitoids. The parasitoid Figitidae sp 1 and Aleochara notula showed a marked occurrence for pupae of Sarcophagula spp


diptero fezes himenoptero

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