Dinamica de sistemas quanticos : atomos em cavidades de ions aprisionados




In this thesis we studied the dynamics of two quantum systems: atoms in a cavity and trapped ions. For atoms in a cavity ( QED ) , we studied the dynamics of field prepared in a superposition of coherent states and a statistical mixture. In this system, using a Intensity-Dependence Jaynes-Cummings model (DNJCM) we discuss some aspects of the dynamics of atom-field in the Jaynes-Cummings model (JCM) interaction, and showed that for a field prepared in a even-coherent state ( even Schrõdinger cat) it becomes an odd-coherent state ( odd Schrõdinger cat) at the first revival time, and at the same time the atom initially prepared in the excited state becomes the ground state. This behavior is due not only for energy conservation reason, but also for parity conservation in the atomfield system. We have found that, in DNJCM, a field initially prepared in a statistical mixture evolves toward apure state. This is a consequence of the intrinsic periodicity of the model. We may ask why this behavior has not been noticed by considering the field evolution in the ordinary JCM. In the trapped ion system, we studied the generation of nonclassical state of motion of a single ion. To explain the decoherence we introduced a phenomenological model that consider mode cross-coupling. This coupling can be due to technical problems: intensity fluctuation of the laser beams and instabilities of the trap leading to decoherence of the principal mode. Still studying ions, we show a new approach to discuss the dynamics of the ion without the Lamb-Dicke Limit (LDL). In this approach we depart from the full ion laser Hamiltonian, and perform a unitary transformation that allows us to obtain a JCM like Hamiltonian. The dynamics obtained is different from the dynamics when the system is treated in the traditional form, in the LDL. In the new dynamics the system is similar to the Driven-Jaynes-Cummings model (DJCM), and we expect the phenomenon of super-revival to be present in the ion system. Besides the dynamics present here, the transformation has been used in a scheme for generation of a quantum gate and Schrodinger cats


inversão de população fotoluminescencia cavidade otica ions aprisionados

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