Dificuldade de estudar online: uma narrativa de experiência de aprendizagem




This study aims to describe and to interpret the phenomenon of the difficulty of studying online in a continuing education course for teacher of English as a foreign language called Teachers Links, from the perspective of the teacherstudent. The interest on the study came from the need to understand from the point of view of the teacher-student, how the experience is given. The research is grounded on the social-historical-cultural view and on the concept of language as a social practice through which human beings develop and constitute themselves (VYGOTSKY, 1934; 1991) and on the power of the reflexive process for professional development (SCHÖN 1983, 1987/2000). The investigation was based on the Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Paradigm (vAN MANEN,1990; FREIRE, 2007, 2008; RICOUER,2002), which aimed to describe and to interpret the phenomenon under study, conducting the thematic analysis proposed by van Manen (1990) and adopting the systematization elaborated by Freire (2007; 2008). The texts derived from the experience were generated during my experience as a teacher-student during module I in the course, which was offered in the first semester of 2007. The Hermeneutic-Phenomenological reflection on the phenomenon of the difficulty on studying online in a continuing educational course for teachers of English as a foreign language reveled that it is structured around 6 basic themes: anxiety in relation to expectancies, insurance in relation to the new context, fear in relation to not being able to accomplish the proposed goals, despair in relation to the lack of development, questioning in relation to inconsistencies, indecision to make choices, and the search for strategies to solve problems as a continuing process


abordagem hermenêutico-fenomenológica reflexão sobre a ação formação continuada a distância aprendizagem -- multimidia interativa linguistica aplicada reflection on action online continuing education ensino a distancia professores de ingles -- formacao profissional educacao continuada hermeneutic-phenomenological reflection

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