Diferenciação sócio-econômica e campesinato: o caso dos assentamentos Cristo Rei, Ubá e Rio Branco no Sudeste do Pará / Social economic differentiation and peasantry: the settlement´s case of Cristo Rei, Ubá e Rio Branco (Parauapebas-Pa)




This thesis is the outcome of a research developed in the rural settlements Cristo Rei (Itupiranga-Pa), Ubá (São Domingos do Araguaia-Pa) and Rio Branco (Parauapebas-Pa). We mean to study a social differentiation phenomenon through a research applied to these settlements. It is taken as a departure point the reconstitution of the historic struggle for the access to land. The focus is to understand how different strategies of land occupation have influenced particular types of organization concerning these social groups. This involve, by its turn, the comprehension of the arrangement of the production of farming space by the peasants from these areas and their mechanisms of social reproduction. We verified that most of the varied actions oriented to land conquest, whether they be collective - as the ones connected to the social movements - or individual - as the occupation of land by small groups of landless peasants in the region - they reveal clearly the inside organization of the settlement and its relation to the varied social and institutional factions. This work, at last, is interested in the different ways by which peasant differentiation occurs in this part of Amazon.


social differentiation territory amazônia. assentamento diferenciação social amazon. campesinato peasantry território settlement

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