Diagnóstico ambiental das bacias hidrográficas que deságuam no trecho de Vazão Reduzida da Usina Hidrelétrica Amador Aguiar I, Uberlândia MG


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The goal of this study is to make an environmental assessment of the hydrographic basin that disembogues into Trecho de Vazão Reduzida (TVR) of the electric plant of Amador Aguiar as a tool for environmental management. To achieve this goal, several studies such as watershed morphometry, flow monitoring, water quality, precipitation and finally, mapping the evolution of occupation and land use. Through the study of morphometry was possible the analysis of linear elements, and hypsometric aeral of the hydrographic basin of the Trecho de Vazão Reduzida (TVR) of the electric plant of Amador Aguiar I (TVR), which revealed that the single stream in the region that is subject to the major flooding is Marimbondo Stream, which also has the largest range altimeter. Through the monitoring of the flow rate was possible to know the minimum and maximum flow rates recorded during the study period. The study of water quality of streams Barrerinho, Terra Branca and Marimbondo allowed the verification of quality when compared to the same chemical parameters established by the legislation, which were discovered at various values of chemical parameters above those permitted by law, which degrades water quality of streams studied. Monitoring of sediment transport was very important because in addition to the quantification of the same was possible to verify the relationship between flow and amount of transported sediments, which allowed the perception of human influences on the production of sediment. Rainfall monitoring was very important because it is responsible for supplying water from streams in the region, becoming one of the most important sources of energy. The mapping of land use allowed in addition to quantifying the various types of uses, and the dynamics of evolution of those whose management is very important for maintaining water quality within the study area. We also found that various types of land uses in the region are undergoing a process of stabilization in relation to the amount of area occupied. The various elements studied in this research showed that human action is largely responsible for environmental degradation which directly reflects the quality of water that has direct relationships with the use and management of the land.


geografia morfometria qualidade da água vazão precipitação diagnóstico ambiental morphometry water quality flow rainfall environmental assessment

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