Dfrom subject to law, law of the subject: the revealing of subjective experience of engagement with justice for use of drugs in the context of home psychosocial / Do sujeito à lei, da lei ao sujeito: o revelar das experiências subjetivas de envolvimento com a justiça por uso de drogas no contexto do aconselhamento psicossocial




This research addresses the subjective experiences disclosed and lived by people prosecuted for consumption of drugs during the psychosocial assistance. The direct participation of the researcher in the Pilot Project of Psychosocial Intervention of the Attorney General Department MPDFT, for people servicing alternative sentences for drug use offences, allowed to check how these experiences happen with 24 persons in this scenario and to advise the programme staff both theoretical and methodologically. We adopted as theoretical reference the psychoanalitical approach to psychossociology, with an emancipatory perspective for the offenders, who go beyond the experience of Court. The qualitative episthemology was the methodological guideline. We established four dynamic fundamental approaches departing from the indicators which set out abstract areas, showing the continuous and reciprocal movement of the subjects performing the role of colaborators for this research. The first two approaches deal with the experiences of the subjects in a singular perspective, whilst the other two approcahes work with the social perspective in this scenario. We found the existence of a movement of the subject towards the Law and of the Law towards the subject, and we found the importance of the psychosocial intervention in the Administration of Justice.


drug consumption psychoanalysis psicologia justiça subjetive experiences justice envolvimento com a justiça experiências subjetivas drugs psicanálise subjects psycosocial intervention sujeitos involvement with justice drogas usuários de drogas acolhimento psicossocial

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