Development placental in bovines obtained by natural gestation and by in vitro fertilization / Desenvolvimento placentário em bovinos obtidos por gestações naturais e por fecundação in vitro




The main goal of this study was to describe morphology and the early gestational development of 15 to 70 day-old bovine embryos obtained by natural mating and 35 day-old bovine embryos obtained by in vitro fertilization (IFV) technique. One hundred and forty-one concepts originated by natural mating and seven by IVF technique were used. All concepts were dissected, macroscopically measured and photographed. Extraembryonic membranes were cut in 5 cm2 fragments and fixed in 4% paraformoldehyde for light and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and in 2.5% glutaraldehyde for Transmition Electron Microscopy (TEM). Ali membranes showed different stages of development during analyzed periods. The beginning of allantois macroscopic vascularization, the attempt of fusion between allantois and chorium membranes and the effective development of the first cotyledons were observed in 30-to-40 day-old embryos with 1.9± 0.24 cm of Crown-Rump (CR) length. The average CR, the embryos and gestational sac weight, the chorion and amnion length increased during gestation. The allantoic epithelia showed a cellular dimorphism with 0.9 em CR, however, the maturation has not happened until the foetal length of 7.2 em CR. The trophoblast showed different levels of mononucleate cells and binucleate giant cells. The yolk sac persisted until 70 days of gestation and the epithelium seemed functionally activated until 50 days of gestation. The CR and yolk sac size were the only measured macroscopic parameter showingdifference between natural mating and FIV concepts. Yolk sac size presented average values of 5.53 cm and 1.07 cm for natural mating and FIV concepts, respectively. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze a higher number of FIV embryos to corroborate that observed yolk sac size difference. All results obtained in this study suggest the existent of an active vitelline placenta, important to the gestational maintenance and temporarily establish between the transitory choriovitelline placenta and the permanent chorioallantoic placenta.


cório yolk sac placenta alantóide amnion placenta saco vitelino Âmnio chorion allantois

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