Development of preterm babies: Analysis of maternal experiences / DESENVOLVIMENTO DE BEBÊS PREMATUROS: análise de experiências maternas




The present study had as objective to identify the mothers socioeconomic characteristics, to know the experiences of neonatal internment, to know the mothers perception on their babies development, to know the mothers perception on his/her role in the development through a descriptive study of qualitative approach. The data were collected at the Clinic of Continuation of the Infantile of the Academical Hospital Maternal Unit starting from the record register and semi-structured interview, applied with ten mothers. The data were separated in three categories: experiences from the birth to the discharge, the maternal perception on the baby s development and the maternal paper in the baby s development; later they were submitted to the content analysis. The found results were: that the mothers present low socioeconomic level, they consider development as health and comfort of the baby, worrying about the relationship between premature birth and their children s development, recognizing his/her role as caretakers primary, vigilant and stimulating for the children s good development, understanding that the family assumes a secondary paper in the development process. It is concluded this way that: the mothers low socioeconomic level should be considered by the team in the planning of the attendance, seeking the improvement of the maternal knowledge on premature and development. The valorization of the daily experiences lived by the mother and the baby, the importance of stimulating the other members of the family is emphasized to make part as support in the process of the babies development.


premature birth relação mãe-filho prematuridade child development mother-son relationship saude materno-infantil desenvolvimento infantil

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