Development and assessment of an upper limb hybrid system for quadriplegics / Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um protótipo de sistema híbrido para membro superior de tetraplégicos




Generally, individuals with motor impairments in the upper limbs have difficulties performing the movement of objects, which is essential for the execution of activities of daily living. Thus, these individuals do not perform these activities or perform them inefficiently. Toward satisfactory manipulation, reach and grasp movements of objects performed with voluntary control, and grasp force feedback are necessary. Therefore, this work presents the development, application and evaluation of a hybrid system prototype aiming at partial rehabilitation of sensory-motor ability of quadriplegics right upper limb. Such system includes an elbow dynamic orthosis combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation, and an instrumented glove that allows the qualitative grasp force feedback. The results of clinical assessment showed that the system aids quadriplegic in tasks that involve reaching and grasping of objects, as well as bringing them close to the body. The improvement of reaching range, grasping generation and artificial restoration of the ability to move an object close to the body represent this aid provided by the system. Thus, the hybrid system prototype represents an alternative strategy for the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury (C5-C6 level).


rehabilitation engineering spinal cord injury membros superiores orthosis quadriplegia upper limbs Órtese lesão medular sistema híbrido tetraplegia engenharia de reabilitação neuromuscular electrical stimulation hybrid system estimulação elétrica neuromuscular

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