Determination of the mechanism of retrotransfer by mechanistic mathematical modeling.


Two mathematical models to elucidate the mechanism of retromobilization (or retrotransfer), that is, the ability of conjugative plasmids to mobilize genes into the cell containing the conjugative plasmid, were developed. This study deals with retromobilization of nonconjugative plasmids (Tra-Mob+). Plasmid transfer was modeled by two mass action models. The first is based on the hypothesis that retromobilization of the Tra-Mob+ vector occurs in one step, by means of the pilus formed by the Tra+ plasmid in the original host. In the second model, retromobilization is considered to be a two-step process involving two transfer events. The first step involves the transfer of the Tra+ plasmid from the recipient cell to the donor of the nonconjugative vector, and during the second encounter the nonconjugative vector is mobilized toward the recipient. Since the relationships between the number of transconjugants and the number of recipients for the two models are different, filter matings were performed for short time periods with different initial densities of the recipient population. Comparison of the numbers of transconjugants with the results of the mathematical equations confirmed the hypothesis that retromobilization is a one-step conjugation process.

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