Determinantes da disponibilidade de crédito de longo prazo no Brasil: uma análise da linha Finem do BNDES / Determinants of long-term credit availability in Brazil: an analysis of the Finem line of credit from BNDES


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The search for greater availability of long-term credit for productive investments in Brazil has been gaining importance since it enables companies to engage in medium and large-scale businesses, feeding the economic growth and development processes. The line of credit provided by BNDES, called Financing to Enterprises (Finem), is one of the few lines existing in Brazil which offers the possibility of financing investment projects with large amounts and long-term maturity. However, the amount provided by this line has shown little progress in relation to GDP. It was expected an increase of that availability with the Real Plan and the creation of an economic environment favorable to long-term planning, which did not occur. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the main factors influencing the availability of long-term credit in Brazil for productive investments, not only in order to expand it but also creating conditions for multiple banks to effectively participate in that process. The model specified for this study included variables such as the disbursements of the Finem line of credit, representing the availability of that credit, and others related to macroeconomic issues, theoretical framework of market failures and government intervention and BNDES performance, with data collected between 2001 and 2011. Using an Autoregressive Model with Vector Error Correction (VEC), this study notes the importance of government intervention, through allocation of resources, in providing this type of credit, confirming the hypothesis that although BNDES presents good levels of performance and seeks to diversify its funding sources, government intervention is still an essential alternative to increase the availability of that line of credit. This study also shows that economic stability is a relevant factor, for allowing long-term planning, by empirically confirming previous studies on the subject. Other factors such as economic growth, availability of alternatives and BNDES lending performance are directly related to the availability of such credit. On the other hand, BNDES profits have little importance on Finem disbursements, a result that is justified by the BNDES Basel Ratio ascertained in that period. The result concerning the influence of Brazil Risk index, in turn, shows that the external funds obtained by BNDES may have been guided by other factors such as budgetary issues or government policies. The results indicate that policy makers would consider government intervention in the allocation of resources to multiple banks, so that they can intensify the availability of such credit. Finally, this study exposes the necessity to dedicate more attention to the destination of resources from this particular type of credit, so that it can effectively contribute to promote growth and development in Brazil.


banco de desenvolvimento bank credit bank financing crédito bancário development bank falhas de mercado financiamento bancário government intervention intervenção do estado market failures

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